Monday, September 3, 2012

Who's Faith do you have?

This labor day weekend I was talking to someone who's been going through a season of a lot of confusion. A key problem was he was heavily weighing so many people's opinions.
The Bible does encourage getting wisdom from elders, peers, and Pastors. But there becomes a point where everyone thinks they have a right to tell you how to conduct your life, what your calling should be, how to get in a career, and how to run your relationship/marriage. And so many of us try to be everything they say we should be.
Here's the thing: They have their own life, separate from yours. They make their own relational, career, and calling desicions. They are a completely different person with different experiences, traits, and characteristics than you. They handle things completely different than you do.  And they have their own relationship with Christ. How they conduct their lives works for them and that's great, but that doesn't mean it has to work for you.

Too often we try to live a life identical to someone else's. And then we get into the deep issue of trying to have their Faith. Certain people are not risk takers, and they play the safe game and just love the Lord and have the typical American life. There's nothing wrong with that. But then you have people who ONLY live off of faith. Constant risks, living on the edge, and having a far from usual life or calling. It's a crazy awesome lifestyle to have.

So here's where I ask; who's faith are you having? Are you praying, serving, or making life decisions just based off of how somebody else would? A key issue is parents. When you grow up in a christian house, it seems you just adapt your parent's relationship with Christ. And when you move out, or a big change happens, you have to figure out your own faith and your own relationship.

Not one relationship with Christ should be identical to another's. Relationships are unique, they are far from typical or cookie-cutter. Just look at dating or married couples. Some are very conservative, some are not conservative at all. They all look and interact differently.

It's a great thing to have examples of Godly people in your life, and to take wisdom from people into consideration. But before you follow any earthly person's advice, or lifestyle, seek the Heavenly Father.
What is HIS advice for you? He knows you more than any person on this Planet. Listen to his quiet but powerful voice. Not the loud overwhelming noise everyone around you is making.